Sunday, November 16, 2014

The art of complimenting

When I was in school / college, it was common to ask friends to write in an autograph book along with their addresses (pre face book / mail era!) before the graduation.  If I am not wrong, many of us still do preserve these books and like flipping through them particularly during trying times in our lives. And have you noticed that when you are down, you reach out to people who generally think high of you and can lift you up by their words about you.   

There is this primordial need in all of us to be recognized and complimented. Though I do worry at times if we are overdoing this with our kids, do we truly and openly compliment our friends, relatives, helps, colleagues, acquaintances and even parents as much as they deserve?  There is some shyness that creeps in. The compliment if it comes is usually restrained. Sometimes, there is the fear of the person taking advantage (with helps, colleagues).  But complimenting opens a two way road.  You start complimenting and the person will want to carry the good will that you have started and will want to compliment somebody else if not you.  At some point, it will come back to you also.

And complimenting is an art!  In my autograph book, I particularly like to keep going back to one entry where a friend had methodically listed what I was good at and complimenting me for all those. In fact, she was not even in my course nor was she a close friend.  We used to meet in a co-curricular class.  Her writing never fails to lift me up and tell me all the things I am capable or was capable of!  Many other entries in that autograph book were also saying good things about me, but this one was unique because of a few reasons.  Her words were not shallow like ‘You are great’. She specifically wrote what I did and why she thought it was compliment worthy. 

I think that is where a compliment is different from a passing remark.  You mean it when you say it and it is not shallow.  You also substantiate it with facts and say why you think it deserves praise.  And you took the effort to notice the good deed and take time to say this to the person.  All this makes it so memorable and so up lifting.

So, let’s try complimenting in all sincerity.  See the glow it brings to the person’s face and the peace it brings to you and the world!