It takes almost a generation of
living for somebody to be accorded the status of a role model, except probably
in sports. And when such role models pass away, one suddenly feels rudderless
at the individual level and at the societal level. Though I have never met the
subject, and know about her only through her work, the passing away of Former
Chief Justice, Author, Gender expert Leila Seth affected me badly (
Her book ‘On Balance’ is the
first ever autobiography I read of a woman and admittedly, the most riveting one.
I could relate to her as a mother and a professional, though her
accomplishments in that generation is of an entirely different scale. What stayed with me was her elegant poise not
just in writing but the way she was living her life, on balance, as her
autobiography is perfectly called. It has been more than a decade since she
wrote the book and she has only accumulated more laurels since then. Whether it is raising her voice against
criminalization of homosexuality, writing a book on Constitution of India for
children, giving path breaking and bold recommendations as a member of Justice
JS Verma committee, she raised the bar on herself and the society too! She kept
to her stand irrespective of the outcomes. She stuck to the truth and her moral compass.
She was the green reed which did not break or bend but gently danced to the
music of life.
Our country needs many more role
models like her, from people like you and me!