Monday, July 20, 2015

My first (and last!!) fasting experience

Never could fast – at least not after leaving the hostel! Sort of accepted it and took pride that I am a 6 meal person.  Many of our religions also have an in-built weight loss program camouflaged as spiritual experience but they never appealed to me probably because of the camouflage!  But age catches up and begs for a reprieve; not to mention a 10 year old neighbour who proudly announces his first Ramzan fast.   Well, this trigger worked!.   

Mind you, it was just a fruit fast for me and boy, what an experience it was.  All expected (and more than expected) detox happened.  I also learnt that even if it is a fruit fast, breaking a fast is as important, if not more, than keeping the fast.  I miserably failed on this count and ended up with huge hang over.   Frantically sought google search and discovered that Yes, the hang-over is quite common with symptoms ranging from head ache to nausea to irritation.  But the sites promptly advised it should not put one off from fasting – that it is actually the detox that is continuing.

Well not sure if the first experience put me off or not – But guess it needs a stronger trigger to keep me going than seeing a 10 year old going on a fast and then playing football! 

For those novices like me (who are a rarity I am told!), check out this site:

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