The COVID times have made us all grateful for what we have and more importantly made us to ponder about people less privileged than us. That thought counts. Read Aditi's thoughts on this.
We take life easily when everything is running smooth. Planning is on for the vacation, bookings are done, servicing of the car is done and suddenly a virus emerges and everything comes to a standstill. It started with the Janta Curfew and two days later it was announced “lock down” with no movement of people from one place to another; Offices closed, shops closed, roads blocked.
We all were thinking how we will sustain these 21 days. Luckily my son was back home before this lock down was called, a relief really as it would have been impossible to travel once we were well and truly locked down.
This lock down has taught me and I am sure, many of us, to be calm, relaxed and most importantly to survive with minimal things. In the morning when I get up I know many things have to be done and without getting anxious everything is done smoothly. Definitely my culinary skills are at their peak watching online videos and getting different ideas and cooking for my family and enjoying lunch and supper together.
Among all these, my mind wonders how daily wage earners must be surviving? What are they going through? Are they getting at least two meals a day? We, as a country with huge population, how is it going to be after the lock down is called off ?
On the brighter side this lock down may have saved many lives, which the virus otherwise might have claimed. I am hopeful we will emerge a much stronger nation.
- Aditi Ganguly
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