Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My version of THE MOM SONG

Most of you would have seen ‘’The Mom” song that became a huge hit in You tube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxT5NwQUtVM

If I were to attempt something similar, I would write and sing about what Mom has to endure from the kids.  Let us see how it goes: (try to sing it the way the Mom song goes)

Where’s my toothbrush?
Why didn’t you buy the colour that I wanted?
Oh Yeah, Good morning.
I hate this toothpaste
Why don’t we ever try a new one?
The geyser is not working
I am freezing here.
I don’’t want this breakfast
I don’’t know what I want
I thought you should know that.
We are not in Antarctica
I am not wearing that jacket.
We are back from school
W­­hy aren’t you home yet?
Oh, you got ice cream
But this is not the flavour we want.
I have not done the homework
Because I thought you will want to help me.
No, I have not practised for music class
Can you please send a note?
No I dont want Appa to do that.
Is the table laid for dinner?
You only make what ‘She’’ likes (sibling).
Oh, I forgot to tell you
You NEED to come to school on Tuesday.
No, I dont want you to reschedule this
 Tell your office client to come another day.
Oh, I am so tired
Wish Appa was here to chill out.
Relax Ma, it will all be fine
See, we love you!

Now, contrast this with the song when only father is around (I experimented and have first hand testimonial on this)

Good morning Appa
How is it going?
Dont fret , we will manage.
Let us know if we need to fix your breakfast.
While we are doing that, you could order the book that we wanted
And download the music that we chose because you are going to love it.
We are back from school, but take your time and come back;
May be with an ice-cream pack.
We are done with the home work, well most of it
The tough ones can wait till Amma is back.
We will lay the table, you chill.
Good night Appa
Oh but, we are missing Amma!

And Finally when mother is back:
Oh, we love you
Missed you
Appa is ok
We managed (him)
Now that you are here :
Where’s my toothbrush (go back to the original lyrics!)

With one last line added,
What made you write this,
Did you check with us?

Well, Life of a mother! Never boring, to say the least!