Saturday, February 13, 2016

The comforting world of white and black

Recently my daughter came down with throat infection.  The doctor diagnosed it as Allergic Bronchitis (a term my daughter had not heard before) and termed it bad! As we walked out of the clinic, my daughter asked in all seriousness ‘’Am I going to die?’’.  I was taken aback but gained my wits and replied ‘Very unlikely!’’.  She immediately relaxed and said that then it is fine, it is just that she has to take medicines and recover. It struck me that in her mind, there were just the two extreme possibilities of being well and being unwell to the point of dying!  It sounds bizarre but this made me realize how children take comfort in the world of black and white, a world where there is no grey or uncertainty. 

But as we grow, the world transforms into a kaleidoscope of greys with tiny patches of white and black at the edges.  As much as the visual of that world is shifting and unsettling, the implications reflect this chaos.  It simply complicates our lives and relationships, but we deal with it as necessary evil. Sadly the society most often tends to write down adults who carry this White and Black view of the world as Simpletons or naive!   

Which is why, it is comforting to listen to a child’s logic (with no greys) when stuck with some issue.  It immediately puts things in a perspective.  Like taking comfort in the fact that a throat infection will not kill me and thus help in tiding through it! 

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