Monday, April 6, 2020

The bright and the beautiful amidst COVID times - Story #10

Cannot agree more to what Rekha says - simple but profound! 

The world is fighting against a deadly virus and yes, we are in troubled times. The millennials are witnessing the first ever epidemic of such magnitude. So, how do we tackle the gloomy scenario?

As the Monty Python song goes -" Always look on the brighter side of life .."

My maid finds it difficult to make both ends meet. Some migrant labourers cover approximately 700 kms by walk to reach their native place. For some, month ends with just a few coins. Doctors work day and night to cure patients leaving their family and the list goes on ...

Are we not the blessed lot?

I do agree to the fact that it's terrible and tiring juggling between chores, especially for ladies.

Here are a few suggestions.
1) As Swetha pointed out(here), delegate  the household chores to all family members. If you initiate, things will fall in place.
2) Cook together
3)Have time for self(includes doing nothing)
4) Exercise,Meditate indulge in gardening, explore new arenas
and lot more

Always remember,
"Tough times never last, but tough people do"

Sending positive vibes your way!

- Sri Rekha R

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