Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The bright and beautiful amidst COVID times - Story #11

As the weather in Bangalore turns breezy and delightful, it calls for celebration!  Here we go with a whimsical poem by Chitra Govindraj on the COVID situation.  Just enjoy, and don't read between the lines.  After all, 'in nonsense is strength'!

There was a woman named Iris
Who got this bloody virus
No mattter what she would do
She concocted the flu
And ended up in a situation not so desirous!

Off to the hospital she did go
With mother and father and husband in tow
Doctors did surround her
The authorities did hound her.
Many questions they did ask
Coming in the way of the nurses’ task
And all this because she didn’t wear a mask!

It will take 14 days they said
Put her in her own room and bed
Locked her in , now she’s in quarantine!
What she needs is a knock on the head
For putting everyone in dread
But they gave her some medicines instead!

Now we must pray
That she recovers without delay
For she must go back home
With her family where she belongs
And never come back here to stay.

- Chitra Govindraj

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